Saturday, July 30, 2016

Fat Burning Foods to Eat to Shrink Belly Fat Fast

Need to now the kinds of foods to eat to shrink belly fat?


Below are 7 fat burning tips to get you on the right track to healthy eating and losing the weight for good-

Foods to Eat to Shrink Belly Fat 

1. The first thing you must realize is, you must enjoy your food - If healthy eating (and exercise) is your rule, the occasional Cake is not a problem. Let me clarify that, if you make fitness your normal habit, the occasional favorite treat or desert, such as a mud cake, wedding cake or even a party cake, will not ruin your body. As long as you always come back to the original rule, and not change the rule as you go along.

2. Eat complex carbohydrates - whole grains, vegetables, beans or lentils - rather than refined carbs such as white bread or processed cereals, as they release glucose gradually. When you see a brown bread wrapper with the words multi-grain, wheat, or some other healthy description you probably automatically think, "healthy." Yes and no. You'll score higher in the healthy column by purchasing bread that is whole grain.

3. Get essential fatty acids - Flax-seed and fish oils should also have a place in your nutrition plan. At least one serving of each per day will insure that you are getting these very important nutrients that assist in keeping cholesterol and hormone levels normal and in maintaining numerous other body functions.

4. Balanced meals - have vegetable soups or salads for lunch with small amounts of protein. Add a piece of fruit before or after a meal. Eat meat, poultry or fish with a mixed salad, instead of potatoes (one of the few acid forming vegetables), rice or pasta. If planning rice or pasta - for the wholemeal kinds - and add veggies to the dish. Drink your eight to ten glasses of water a day with a squeeze of lemon. Drink herbal teas instead of coffee, black teas and sodas. Finally, eat fruit snacks between meals.

5. This is true - eat plenty of fruits and veggies will keep you satisfied longer. High fiber foods help you fill up so you stay fuller longer. You are less likely to be on the prowl an hour after eating. The reason is, fiber takes a long time to move through your body system - and it slows digestion. This may trigger satiety, the feeling of fullness that makes you put down your fork. So get your fiber fix daily!

6. Eating low fat foods - making the choice to buy and eat low fat foods is good, but on one condition - you cannot eat more than you normally would. This is often the tendency, since the food is 'low fat'. Even fat free foods can pack on the pounds. Not all weight is gained merely from fat. If you eat too many total calories in a day, you will still gain weight, no matter where those calories come from!

7. Lastly, I have to add this in, but the best combination to shrink belly fat is to eat more wholesome foods - and workout. It's simply the best way to shape up fast and tone your body. Wholesome foods just offer more nutrition your body needs. And since you are making the effort to try new foods to eat to shrink belly fat, why not take that extra step and workout regularly to lose more body fat - and live a healthier lifestyle. The effort you put in now will be rewarding.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Foods That Just Aren't Worth Eating

Trying to keep healthy?  Or lose some weight?  There's definitely a 'trick' to it (if you want to call it that)... and that's to keep what you put in your body only foods that help it realize your goals.  Want to be lean?  Eat healthy!  Want to be healthy?  Well... EAT HEALTHY (oh, did I say that already?).


Remember:  Health begets health.  So while you're on your mission to be healthy and lean, here's some foods that really just are NOT worth eating.  They do nothing to help your cause and will probably just sabotage your efforts.

Stay away from soft drinks.  There's nothing good about them.  Sugar, food coloring and carbonated water.  What on earth would make anyone think that combination is good for them?  And if you're thinking you can make it better by drinking the 'diet' version instead to keep your calories low, consider this:  it's calorie free but it's still sweet, therefore it's sweetened with artificial sweetener.  Excuse me but artificial sweeteners are all either made completely from chemicals or are chemically processed to remove the calories.  Either way, they are the equivalent of drinking poison.  Stay away from soft drinks.  If you absolutely must drink your fizzy treat, then stick to club soda.  Need flavor?  Add a lemon or lime wedge.

Avoid deep fried foods.  They're almost always chock full of hydrogenated oils, trans fats and all sorts of other indigestible, fattening calories.  If you want to have your fries, try sprinkling some heart-healthy coconut oil or olive oil on potatoes, sweet potatoes or yams and bake them in the oven.  This is a far healthier way to get your 'french-fry' fix.

Skip the bacon.  Bacon is full of nitrates and absolutely jammed with salt and unhealthy fat.  Want a tasty meat treat?  Try some cooked shrimp.  Or a chicken breast prepared on the grill.  You'll get a lot more nutrients for your body and a lot less complaining from your heart.

Donuts.  Deep fried white-flour dough covered in white, processed sugar.  Remind me how this could ever be considered a good thing to eat?  No nutritional quality and lots and lots of calories and bad fats makes this so called 'food' very high on the list of foods that just aren't worth eating.

Potato chips of any description are also very high on this list.  Why?  Deep fried potatoes with the skins peeled off (which is where most of the nutrition in a potato resides).  They're highly caloric and again hold little nutritional quality.  Best to keep away from this 'food' too, if you're looking to be the healthiest, leanest version of you possible.

Margarine.  All margarine happens to be is oils and food colouring with artificial flavoring added to make it resemble butter.  It's very high in calories and very devoid of nutrition.  If you want to spread something on your meals or whole grain bread, make it the real thing, good ol' natural butter.  Sure, it's high in calories but at least there's some nutrition in butter.  And usually it doesn't contain chemicals or artificial flavors.  If you can find a brand that doesn't use artificial coloring, you're golden (but your butter won't be)!

Remember what I mentioned at the beginning: Health begets health.  The healthier you can make the food you eat, the faster your body will reward you with better health and a leaner physique.

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Food to Avoid to Lose Weight - Stop Eating These Foods and Drop 5 Pounds Weekly

Losing weight is not just about eating the right foods, like the usual fruits and vegetables and oatmeal. Dropping the fat quick is also about other factors, like exercising and avoiding certain foods. There are ingredients in foods makes us put on the pounds, and can potentially kill us.


These foods are loaded with bad fats, sugar, artificial flavors, high in sodium and other junk that we call food. Our body is not made to consume these kind of ingredients. It's not the foods that makes us gain weight, it's what's in the foods that we should be concerned about.

Trans fats - Stay away from foods that contains trans fat. These foods can cause serious problems other than obesity, such as heart disease and health problems we don't want to talk about right now.

Fast Foods - Foods at fast food restaurants are loaded with hydrogenated oil. Fries and chicken are fried in this dangerous oil.

Avoid margarine - Margarine is the worst. It's bad for us in general. It contains lots of fats, and can lead to a serious condition called heart disease, and obesity.

Frozen foods - Did you know that frozen foods like pizza, pot pies, chicken dinners, breaded fish sticks, and many other frozen foods are filled with dangerous fat? This is a great way to get fat and stay fat.

White sugar - White sugar is processed and dangerous to our health in more ways than one. I used to drink kool aid loaded with white sugar, and I could never drop the pounds, I only gained more pounds than I needed.

What food to avoid to lose weight? It's simple, just choose a healthy diet plan that you can stick with for the long haul that will allow you to eat delicious foods and still drop the pounds fast.

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Japanese Diet - a Diet To Lose Weight, Remain Slim & Be Healthy!

For no people on earth is it more true than the Japanese, when you say, "you are what you eat". The Japanese are, by all accounts, the people with the least obesity problem, the highest longevity rate, and best health record. What are they eating?


The importance of rice

Rice is the main carbohydrate food in Japan, consumed with every meal. However, the real basis of the Japanese diet is not rice but fish, consumed at more than 70 kilos per person per year--which means 190 grams daily. This combination of rice and fish, as their staple food is far superior to the American meat and potato, the European little of this, little of that diets, and light years ahead of the Russian pork, potato and mayonnaise daily fare.

Let's see what else they eat. Miso and other soy products! Miso is a fermented soy product, and a soup is made from it that is light tasting and easy to digest. One gets all the benefits of soy from it. Also, the famous soy sauce. Japanese people, on the average consume about 200 grams of soy products daily.

So why are they so thin and so healthy?

There are a few very good reasons. One is their sparingly consumption of sugar.

Low in sugar

Japanese consume only 20 kilos of sugar per year (compared to the American 71 kilos per year). Another is the Japanese consumption of cereals (which obviously includes rice) to be 105 kilos per year (compared to the American 68 kilos per year).

The human body appears to be doing much better with natural cereals and less sugar than fried potatoes and 'sugar in everything you eat' diets. The Japanese have far less incidence of heart disease and cancer than Americans. As they eat as much meat as the Americans do (or more), and smoke more, the theory is refined sugar and stress are the two biggest contributors to destroying one's health.

Portion size

Another important factor in the Japanese diet is portion size. The portions are small.

This means they savor their food; eat slowly and enjoy it. No "scarfing" down hamburgers and fries here, and king size cola drinks.

Eating with chop sticks help, as you eat more slowly, take smaller bites and are able to appreciate what you are eating. This aids in digestion, and that is a proven fact.

There are two more factors which must be mentioned that make the Japanese diet so successful.

The first is breakfast.

The typical Japanese breakfast can (and usually includes) green tea, steamed rice, miso soup with tofu, spring onions and omelet and both raw and grilled fish.

This gives your body all it needs to start your day well. You will feel better, and such food does not add weight to your body at all. In fact, it stimulates the metabolism mechanism. You will not gain weight, and if overweight, will lose weight.

Variety Never be bored

The second factor is variety.

A typical American will have about 30 varieties of food per week. A typical European (especially southern European) will have about 45. The typical Japanese will have about 100 varieties of food per week, and will include lots of fresh fish, vegetables, fruit and a variety of meats.

There is one over-riding element here as well; the Japanese cook their foods lightly and thus are never feeling stuffed and stuffy after eating.

As you can see the diet is great and its healthy and is perfect for those wanting to lose weight and avoid illness.

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